Sunday, March 15, 2009

In Italia, That is Where I Want to Be...

Teatrionline (translated) offers a glowing (I think?) review of A Midsummer Night's Dream, focusing on how the rhythm of speech and movement combine to transcend the language barrier and giving props to Richard Clothier and Bob Barrett.

Also coming out of Italy, Fogli e Parole d'Arte (translated) offers one of the more in depth and insightful reviews I've seen, recapping design elements of the production and exploring the different themes highlighted by this interpretation.

Il Giornale provided a preview (translated) of the shows, but the translation is garbled enough that I can't tell you much more than that. Where are my Italian speakers?

Rinascita (translated) offers us a bit of a history lesson in between praising and recapping Midsummer, with special mention of Richard Frame and Jon Trenchard.

Finally, taking a more literary approach, Corriere Della Sera (translated) examines the story through the Chinese box theory of W.H. Auden.

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