Saturday, May 30, 2009

Moving Forward

"Whoa, emma," you might be saying. "Your rather haphazard and lackadaisical approach to updating seems to belong to the past. What's with all the posting?"

Well, my friend, I suddenly have a lot (read: A LOT) of time on my hands and instead of starting another project and then abandoning it a few months from now, I thought it might be a better use of my time to actually work on something that already exists. All of this posting has drawn my attention to some things, so now! Some notes from your author:

  • Michael Pavelka and Ben Oremod are horrendously under represented, and I hope to start correcting that soon.
  • Working on productions pre-Taming/Twelfth Night puts me at a disadvantage, having never seen them. I will do my best to label and caption things accurately, but mistakes are pretty much inevitable, as are holes in my knowledge. This will be exacerbated by the fact that the cast changed for some of these productions while on tour, causing confusion, so please let me know if I mess something up or if you can fill in the gaps.
  • I have installed a hit counter! I bring this up because it's horribly inflated since it counts when I access the site (and I do for reference every time I update), so I don't want you to be too impressed. Though, even without my contribution, it does show traffic, which means someone is reading this who isn't me....I've have been told this is true, but I remain skeptical. 
  • I may, at some point in the future, post some kind of answer to the question of "why?" in regards to Propeller/having a blog/what gets posted/etc. I don't really expect any much interest in these explanations, but if there's something else you want me to delve into, my e-mail's on the right! And, again, I'm pretty sure I'm talking to myself here.
Okay, that's about it. I have a lot of back stuff to post, so today is going to be an unusually productive day.

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