Friday, July 20, 2012

Bloggers Weigh in on 'The Winter's Tale'

Cultural Dessert thought it was a "fantastic production", with a strong cast and exceptionally strong showing from Karl Davies as the Young Shepherd.

Margate Sands' review contains lots of production detail and highlights Mamillius' importance within the production, calling his foregrounding an "ingenious" way of balancing the comedy and tragedy within the show.

Ham Life mostly traces the plot of the story, but concludes the show was "masterful in every respect" (fun fact: my roommate and I were at the same performance and can be picked out in the audience shot...if you know us, that is).

Glen's Theatre Reviews isn't sure the two halves of the play sit comfortably with one another, but still finds that Propeller "take a well-known tale, not without its issues, and breathe new life into it." Robert Hands, Richard Dempsey and Tony Bell are all commended for fine performances and "[a]mong all the revelry there’s a sense that this is perhaps the final fling of youth, a last chance to party before having to face the realities of adulthood and sure, as the party ends, we return to the formality of court."  [e]

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