Thursday, July 26, 2012

Enchanting and Enthralling

One Stop Arts makes it's feeling known right from the top: "Propeller are one of the most exciting companies around, and their approach to Shakespeare is exactly what the industry needs." The four-star review of The Winter's Tale calls Tony Bell "hilariously lecherous," Robert Hands' performance is "inspired," Chris Myles "completely owns the part of Camillo" and Vince Leigh is "full of gravitas as Paulina."

Journal Live was slightly disappointed when the show came to Newcastle, but The Shields Gazette caught the same leg of the tour found it "enchanting and enthralling."

Between the Acts offers a short reflection on the cross-dressing of Propeller's Winter's Tale and links to a more lengthy discussion of the effective disconnect achieved between actor and character when men play women.  [e]

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